Pengertian Serta Rumus Kalimat Passive Voice
– Passive voice adalah salah satu
kaidah atau aturan yang digunakan dalam berbahasa Inggris. Kali ini kita
akan mengenal definisi, aturan dan beragam contoh kalimat passive voice
Definisi passive voice
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, passive voice bisa diartikan sebagai kalimat
pasif yang membuat subyek kalimat tidak membuat aksi melainkan menjadi
penerima aksi. Contohnya, bila dalam kalimat aktif kita membuat kalimat
berupa “ibu menggoreng ikan”, maka dalam kalimat pasif kita bisa
mengubahnya menjadi kalimat “ikan digoreng ibu”. Hal yang sama juga akan
kita lakukan bila membuat passive voice dalam aturan bahasa Inggris.
Rumus dasar passive voice
Untuk membuat passive voice, rumus dasar yang harus kita gunakan adalah
subject + auxiliary verb + verb 3.
Auxiliary verb yang akan kita gunakan untuk membuat passive voice
bisa berupa primary auxiliary verb (is, am, are, were, was, be, been dan
being) atau bisa juga berupa kombinasi antara 2 primary (will be, have
been dan perpaduan primary lainnya).
Selain harus menggunakan auxiliary verb, passive voice juga hanya
bisa dibuat bila kalimatnya menggunakan kata kerja transitif (kata kerja
yang bisa menggunakan obyek). Contoh kata kerja transitif misalnya
membaca, membuang, memasak, membeli dan merobek.
Membuat passive voice dengan tenses
Agar kita bisa mempelajari passive voice yang diaplikasikan langsung
dengan penggunaan tenses, maka kita harus menyimak informasi mengenai
rumus passive voice dalam 16 tenses berikut ini :
Active Voice (contoh kalimat)
Passive Voice (contoh kalimat)
Simple Present Tense
S + V1 + O
S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by
+ O
My mother always cleans the floor
every morning.
The floor is always cleaned by my
mother every morning
Present Continuous Tense
S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing +
S + to be (am, are, is) + being +
V3 + by + O
They are making a rainbow cake
A rainbow cake is being made by
them now
Present Perfect Tense
S + to be (am, are, is) + being +
V3 + by + O
S + have/has + been + V3 + by + O
The manager has
interviewed some candidates
Some candidates have been
interviewed by the manager.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
S + have/has + been + V1-ing + O
S + have/has + been + being + V3 +
by + O
Many people have been speaking
English has been being spoken by
many people
Simple Past Tense
S + V2 + O
S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by +
Fadhila watched the movie in the
theatre last night.
The movie was watched by Fadhila
in the theatre last night.
Past Continuous Tense
S + to be (was, were) + V1-ing + O
S + to be (was, were) + being + V3
+ by + O
She was buying some books last
Some books were being bought by
her last night.
Past Perfect Tense
S + had not + V3 + O
S + had + been + V3 + by + O
Carroll had made a good
decision to leave Liverpool.
A good decision had been made by
Carroll to leave Liverpool.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
S + had + been + V1-ing + O
S + had + been + being + V3 + by +
She had been watering this plant.
This plant had been being watered
by her.
Simple Future Tense
S + will not + V1 + O
S + will be + V3 + by + O
The farmers are going to harvest
the crops next week
The crops are going to be
harvested by the farmers next week.
Future Continuous Tense
S + will + be + V1-ing + O
S + will + be + being + V3 + by +
He will be meeting them.
They will be being met by him.
Future Perfect Tense
S + will + have + V3 + O
S + will + have + been + V3 + by +
She will have watered this plant
before I get here this afternoon.
This plant will have been watered
by her before I get here this afternoon.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
S + will + have + been + V1-ing +
S + will + have + been + V1-ing +
She will have been watering this
This plant will have been being
watered by her.
Past Future Tense
S + would + V1 + O
S + would + be + V3 + by + O
We would buy a dictionary
A dictionary would be bought by us
Past Future Continuous Tense
S + would + be + V1-ing + O
S + would + be + being + V3 + by +
She would be listening to the
music when the phone rang
The music would be being listened
by her when the phone rang
Past Future Perfect Tense
S + would + have + V3 + O
S + would + have + been + V3 + by
+ O
Many people would have spoken
English would have been spoken by
many people
Past Future Perfect Continuous
S + would + have + been + V1-ing +
S + would + have + been +being +
V3 + by + O
He would be meeting them.
They would be being met by him.
Pengecualian pada beberapa kata kerja transitif
Beberapa kata kerja transitif dalam bahasa Inggris ternyata tidak
bisa diubah ke dalam bentukpassive voice lho. Kata kerja transitif
seperti have, look, like, become, mean dan beberapa kata kerja transitif
lainnya akan terasa aneh bila diubah ke dalam bentuk passive voice.
Misalnya :
The candy contains aspartame.
Tidak dapat dipasifkan menjadi : Aspartame is contained by the candy.
Kesimpulan : Passive voice merupakan struktur kalimat penulisan dalam bahasa Inggris yang mana subject (pelaku) dari kalimat tersebut dikenakan suatu pekerjaan. Passive voice
tidak hanya ada dalam bahasa Inggris saja, dalam bahasa Indonesia kita
mengenal Kalimat Pasif dengan perubahan yang sangat simple yaitu imbuhan
di- / ter-.
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